Accepted Payment Methods:
At knottide, we accept credit cards and PayPal as our primary payment methods for your convenience and safety. When placing an order with PayPal, you will be redirected to the PayPal payment page, where you can confirm payment using your PayPal credentials.
PayPal is fully compliant with PCI standards and certification, ensuring secure payment processing. Our website also uses SSL encryption to protect your data.
You can also pay without a PayPal account by selecting “Pay with Credit Card,” which redirects you to a secure page where you can safely enter your credit card details.
Please note that all prices on our website are listed in USD, and your card will be charged in your respective currency.
Order Processing:
Once an order is submitted, it begins production as quickly as possible. If you need to modify or cancel your order, please contact us immediately. Orders already in production or shipped cannot be changed or canceled.
You will receive a tracking number via email to monitor your order’s status online.
For detailed shipping and return policies, refer to our “Return and Exchange Policy” on